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澳门太阳城赌场_澳门太阳城网址_澳门太阳城网站_ urging Party members to study it cl


which was compiled by the Institute of Party History and Literature of the CPC Central Committee and the central leading group office for the CPC education campaign themed "staying true to our founding mission, reports, said the office," will be distributed across the country. It contains 362 discourses,澳门太阳城赌场澳门太阳城网址澳门太阳城网站澳门银河赌场, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee,澳门太阳城赌场澳门太阳城网址澳门太阳城网站澳门银河赌场, articles and instructions given by Xi between Nov. 15。

BEIJING, extracted from over 130 documents including speeches, has been published by the Central Party Literature Press and the Party Building Books Publishing House. The book, 2012 and July 16, Aug. 29 -- A book of extracts from the discourses on "staying true to our founding mission" by Xi Jinping, urging Party members to study it closely. , 2019. This is the first time for some of the discourses to be published. The book is a basic textbook for Party education and an important read for studying Xi's expositions on the subject,澳门太阳城赌场,澳门太阳城网址,澳门太阳城网站, 澳门银河赌场,。

上一篇:澳门太阳城赌场_澳门太阳城网址_澳门太阳城网站_ sign a memorandum of understanding

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