澳门太阳城赌场_澳门太阳城网址_澳门太阳城网站_Arab sculpture park opens in NW Chin
an important cultural exchange project under the framework of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum. More than 30 well-known sculptors from countries including Jordan,澳门太阳城赌场,澳门太阳城网址,澳门太阳城网站, 澳门银河赌场, Sept. 5 (Xinhua) -- A sculpture park including works made by artists from China and Arab states opened in northwest China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region on Wednesday. The park is located in the city of Yinchuan, capital of Ningxia, Morocco and Iraq were previously invited to Yinchuan to create works for the project. Zhang Xu。
deputy director of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism,澳门太阳城赌场,澳门太阳城网址,澳门太阳城网站, 澳门银河赌场,澳门太阳城赌场,澳门太阳城网址,澳门太阳城网站, 澳门银河赌场, which is also the host city of the China-Arab States Expo, which kicks off Thursday. A total of 41 works -- 26 made by artists from Arab states and 15 made by Chinese artists are displayed in the park. The project of the sculpture park was launched in September 2015, Zhang said. , said renowned painters and other artists from Arab states had been invited to China to boost cultural exchange between the two sides. The sculpture park project also brought together Chinese and foreign artists through culture and art, Egypt,。
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本文标题:澳门太阳城赌场_澳门太阳城网址_澳门太阳城网站_Arab sculpture park opens in NW Chin
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